Get Ready... Set...... GO!

So over the next 2 weeks I will be attempting to post many of the projects I've been working on over the last 2-6 months. Starting with a teaser that will announce a new division of Ryan Siemers Photography and Design, which will launch in November of 2010. It would have been fantastic to launch on 10-10-10 but I'm afraid I just wasn't that clever (and just slightly too busy). 

In the mean time. I leave you with a little project I put together for a Cousin of my Wife's. 

Sarah and Ryan were united in July. I've already shared this with them and now I share it with you. 

When I photographed this wedding, I only intended for me to cover aspects that the Primary Photographer wasn't hired for. I wanted to catch the moments in between. The glimpses and emotion of the time for not just the bride and groom but their family and friends.