Jockimo Advance Architectural Products again contracted my services to also capture the public welcoming areas of Amery Regional Medical Center.
Jockimo's art glass was incorporated extensively in several unique ways that allow privacy and screening of the various areas of the Medical Center's welcoming, registration, scheduling, and waiting areas.
Technical Note: All images were shot with available light.
Jockimo Advanced Architectural Products was so happy with our first collaboration, they invited me to photograph another project in a very difficult setting.
The Mayo Clinic's Bookstore is a beautifully renovated space which incorporates a very contemporary receptionist/sales desk and study space. This desk separates the sales and display area from a study/meeting space.
The most formidable challenge to this space was lighting. Do to constraints of working within operating hours, no additional lighting equipment was used beyond a couple strobes for tests. The range of color casts by the "native" light available, included Yellow, Pink, Blue, Green, and Daylight. Even with an Expo-disk, Another challenge was deciding how true to the "existing" conditions in post.
This is a perfect example of when a Color Card is more critical than a Grey Card or Expodisk. Because the conditions of light change with every position.
For an upcoming article about her experience with Industrial Design and the IDSA, Kerstin requested two types of portrait sittings. Business and Casual.
I met Tim Czechowski from Jockimo Advanced Architectural Products at the AIA-Minnesota convention recently. I was very impressed with the quality and interesting properties of his glass products. The Following is a product installation in St. Cloud at ING-Direct. If you're in the area and want to see it in person, the wall is in the public cafe.
I believe this is a product type that is given valued by going beyond the static image. So I decided that this is a perfect test case for my DSLR's video capability. Frankly speaking, I'm personally not satisfied with it's video quality yet. I saw a lot of noise and grain even before I started to play with contrast and exposure in post. If I have a client specifically interested in this use, I'll specifically rent better equipment.
However, the video (Viewed at higher quality here) is an example of how to incorporate mixed media for product promotional material using the photographer's eye.
(Please note, this video is not intended for commercial use. It is only an experiment.)
Rochelle Gibbs and I were fortunate to cover another fantastic event organized by Solutions Twin Cities to entertain, inform, and engage.
"Oil: A Love Story" was presented November 12th at 7PM at Intermedia Arts, in Minneapolis, MN.
George Henderson - Tuned our TV back to the past with "Oil Science Theater" Matt Huber - Drove us to see how "Oil As a Way of Life" is embedded in our lifestyle choices Bruce Braun - Reconnected us to Oil and the "Technological Unconscious"
After a quick Q&A with George, Matt, & Bruce The audience and speakers smelled Oil from around the world, made smoothies with their own energy, and learned how much pedal power was needed for light in incandescent and florescent light bulbs.
Matthew Schnider-Mayerson rounded off the evening by presenting the "Post-Carbon World" expressing both hope and realism in the effects of being caught off guard or well prepared.
For the official descriptions of each topic: click here
They were so happy with the first, Solutions Twin Cities asked me back. Rochelle and I both covered the last Give and Take event for 2009. Speakers included.
I've recently completed some initial processing for two photo shoots.
This is Western Row, in St. Paul, MN. Many of these shots are options for my client to choose from. These will eventually be reduced to the final selections. Which would you choose?
Oct. 4th - 6th I went traveled to Pella, IA for the Pella Builder Days. I covered the event and had a great time learning more about the quality of their manufacturing process and the passion that Pella has for creating a series of fantastic products. Architects, Designers, and Builders from the Midwest and East Coast representing 1/2 a dozen cities were there.
While I wasn't allowed to document the factory floor or the testing lab, I think we were all impressed with the streamlined process of their methods and the quality they provide each step of the way. Three things I took away from the tour personally. 1) The dedication that Pella had to reducing the amount of manufacturing waste that gets recycled. 2) The passion that each employee had about what they do. 3) The catering that they have on site, is fantastic.
I've broken the images I took into 4 parts. You can bypass any slide show and go the the thumbnail gallery by clicking any of the larger images. You may copy any images from here for personal use. However please contact me for commercial use.